Listening well and solving puzzles

A Great Fit: Anne-Lisa & Antar Shoe

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A Great Fit: Anne-Lisa & Antar Shoe

An indelible impression, a conclusive process, an indispensable service: Antar Shoe is the link between manufacturer and retail. And that's a great fit! But it's our people who make that happen. Everyone in his or her own way. In A Great Fit, we talk to our employees about what makes their jobs so interesting. This time speaking: Anne-Lisa Boerendans, Sales Office Manager.

How do you describe your job, when someone asks at a birthday party what you do?
'I am an inside sales manager. That's also called Sales Office Manager. I do a lot of different things: administration, getting prices right in the system, processing orders, talking to customers, onboarding new colleagues... Sometimes I forget what I do! We are close to sales, logistics and customer service. And leading gives me a nice overview of all the tasks and gives me insight into how people develop.'

Sounds indispensable, such a central role. What would happen if you weren't there?
'Then, for example, prices in the web shop would not be right for our customers, and we get internal confusion about which order belongs to which customer and when it should be delivered. Customers often put together their collection with the account managers. For all questions after that, they often call us. If we don't have things in order, the account manager can't go out with a correct story.'

'I like to puzzle and provide that personalized service'

And what happens when you do your job very well?
'Processes then run more smoothly. For example, as an inside sales team we consult with logistics when they have time for a certain order. We have a lot of knowledge and absorb a lot of information from different departments. This enables us to answer many questions from colleagues and customers. And provide good service.

'Every customer is different: what way of working does that one customer have? Which way of communicating does that other customer like? Of course, we shouldn't promise things that our colleagues can't deliver - it has to be tenable - but I enjoy puzzling with that and delivering that personalized service.'

How do you make an impression in conversation with customers?
"By thinking to myself; what does the customer mean? What is this person really looking for? You have to be able to listen well and not fill in the situation too quickly or want to deal with it. And always end on a positive note, of course!'

What challenges do you encounter during a working day?
"Right before the new season arrives, we prepare everything. And as soon as the delivery season starts, the puzzle also begins: do we wait for the rest of the order and send everything at once? Or do we send these boots ahead of time so the customer has them? If a very large shipment is delayed, we consult with the customer.'

What may customers call you earlier or more often about?
'Some customers call very late if an order is delayed. Not everyone, but we still notice it. So be sure to ring the bell if you miss an order. We think with you immediately. And whatever question you have, we'll gladly link you to the right department.'

"The new structure gives me a lot of perspective and insight into where we are going as an organization.

Is there anything else you would like to do that you are not doing now but would like to start doing?
'I would like to build more of a relationship with the customer. So that I can say 'Last year you ordered this and this, how is it going now?' Or if a customer says 'if you don't hear from me again, everything is fine', I can double-check. Pro-active contact and follow up more often. I think it would be nice to introduce more system into this.

Next year you will have been with Antar Shoe for seven years, no seven year itch yet?
'No, actually not. A lot has changed in recent years. We got a new structure with teams and managers. That gives me a lot of perspective and also insight into where we are going as an organization. And I am well supported in my role; it's a very personal company that sees what talents you have.'

What development within Antar Shoe are you excited about?
"Since the new organizational structure, departments know how to find each other even better. For example, Marketing organized a team day with the aim of getting to know this department and each other better as colleagues. That was great fun and as a result we work better together. And new colleagues started in my own department. We set up an onboarding last year and it's fun to see what that yields!

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