An indelible impression, a conclusive process, an indispensable service: it is our people who make that happen. Everyone within their own expertise and in their own way. In A Great Fit we talk to our employees about what makes their jobs so interesting. This time the word: Diana Vestering, account manager.

Ha Diana, colleagues describe you as enthusiastic, committed and with a sense of humor. How do you use these traits in your daily work as an account manager?
BecauseI am personally involved with the buyer, I know what is going on at that company or with that person. Think of births or a birthday, vacations, you name it. That is also part of Antar Shoe, that involvement. Because I build a relationship with customers, it is usually reciprocal. That definitely contributes to the relationship, we get trust from the customer. And because we have been working together for years, a customer knows what they can expect from me - or from Antar Shoe. I automatically get excited when I see new collections and that enthusiasm is also contagious in the conversations I have with customers.
What gives you job satisfaction?
Thereare lots of things I enjoy. At the moment it's really fun that we are putting together new collections again. But also bringing in new customers, or existing customers who are going to sell a new brand. So that they already sell Bergstein, for example, and also include Giossepo sandals in their assortment. I'm also satisfied when a customer has good sales, then we have advised well. My day is successful when I think 'I have finished everything, and everything is ready', or like this week: I was in our showroom in Brussels, Trademart with Karen (ed: account manager Belgium), we decorated the showroom together. Then she said, "I really got something out of it." Then that day was also successful, of course.

Sales can be quite challenging sometimes. Can you give an example of a difficult or challenging situation and how you dealt with it?
Yes, customers switching to another brand because they wanted to try something internally while sales figures were good. We always depend on someone else's choices after all. By following their choices and keeping good contact, it also happens that customers come back to their choice. I enjoy the challenge of selling customers a new brand when we ourselves are convinced that the brand fits into the customer's assortment. The time around the corona virus was certainly challenging, I think the most difficult period since I've worked here (ed: over 12.5 years). We were given space from Antar Shoe to call all customers and think with them about deliveries or financial situations: listening to the customer's wishes.
How do you make sure you build a lasting relationship with a customer?
Mainly by making sales calls personal and being involved. That sometimes takes a little more time, but that makes Antar Shoe that "Great Fit." We also advise in an honest way. What is important to us is the long-term relationship we build. I also think it's important to always respond quickly. Even if you don't have an appropriate answer for a while. And no is also an answer. We also take work off the customer's hands: we check resale figures and stock information so that we can supplement if necessary. I also help with the presentation of our collections in the store.

You've been working at Antar Shoe for 12.5 years now, what personal advice do you have for someone just starting out as an account manager?
Honesty, clarity and speed. Then I come back to always responding to questions or problems. And also always remain friendly, even if someone chooses another brand, for example. You always meet again, respect someone else's choice. I always give honest advice and customers trust that. After all, we may make many orders for the customer, people don't do that if they don't trust you.
After all these years, your shoe closet must be bulging by now too?
Yes, it doesn't even fit in there unfortunately, it's a shoe closet plus the hallway. The sandals just don't wear out, haha. My favorite are the sandals from Ipanema: they walk nicely, look neat and actually fit any occasion. From the new collection for 2024, Ipanema's favorite is the Sempre Nova collection. Mainly because of the innovation in the collection and the comfortable sole shape.